One thought on “SC Vietnam Veteran Discusses Time Served as OH-6A Pilot

  1. This pilot never ever mentioned the fact that he had a scout observer and machine gunner in his left seat that was an integral part of the mission that the OH6A was required to perform.

    my point is that he was not the only soldier that was on every mission on that aircraft that he flew. It was always ” I ” and not “we” that performed the hazardous duty that he performed during his interview. He had an enlisted scout that did as much or more observing than he did. Why he didn’t mention that I don’t know.

    I know what I am talking about because during my 2nd tour in Vietnam I was a scout observer in C Company, 7/17th Air Cavalry during the Easter Offensive. Every Scout helicopter had two men, the pilot and the scout observer flying the mission.


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